How to Manage IT Project Risks

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Managing risk in IT projects can feel like playing a high-stakes game without a rulebook on a constantly shifting playing field.

As senior learning and development leaders, IT project managers, and knowledge managers, we know this pain all too well. At Runthru, we’re here to provide you with practical, engaging insights to help you navigate these turbulent waters.

Let’s dive into how you can effectively manage and mitigate risks in your IT projects and steer them towards success.

Understanding the Types of Risks in IT Projects

In the chaotic world of IT projects, risks come in many shapes and sizes. Let’s break them down:

  • Technical Risks: These include software bugs, hardware failures, and issues with technical integrations.
  • Project Management Risks: Poor planning, unrealistic deadlines, and scope creep can derail your project.
  • Organisational Risks: Changes in company structure, shifting priorities, and resource availability can impact your project.
  • External Risks: Factors like market volatility, regulatory changes, and vendor reliability can affect your outcomes.

Tools and Software for Risk Management

Leveraging the right tools can make a world of difference. Here are some top picks:

  • Risk Management Software: Tools like RiskWatch and Riskalyze provide comprehensive risk assessment and management capabilities.
  • Project Management Tools: Platforms like Jira, Trello, and Asana help you track project progress and spot potential risks early.
  • Collaboration Tools: Microsoft Teams and Slack facilitate communication and ensure everyone is aware of potential risks and mitigation strategies.

Best Practices for Mitigating Risks in IT Projects

Adopting best practices can significantly improve your risk management efforts:

Clear Communication

Foster open communication channels within your team and with stakeholders to ensure transparency and quick responses to emerging risks.

Stakeholder Engagement

Involve stakeholders early and often to align project goals and expectations, reducing the risk of scope changes and misaligned objectives.

Regular Training

Equip your team with the necessary skills and knowledge to handle potential risks. Regular training sessions on risk management can be highly beneficial.

Agile Methodologies

Adopt agile methodologies to improve flexibility and adaptability, allowing your team to respond quickly to changing project dynamics and emerging risks.

The Importance of Effective Knowledge Capture

One of the often-overlooked aspects of risk management is the importance of effective knowledge capture. As projects become more complex and teams more distributed, capturing and disseminating knowledge quickly and efficiently is critical. Here’s why it matters:

Minimising Knowledge Gaps

Ensuring that all team members have access to the latest information reduces the risk of errors and miscommunication.

Efficiency and Speed

Professional, well-formatted, and brand-compliant documentation can be created swiftly, ensuring that critical knowledge is available when needed.


Consistent documentation helps maintain quality and ensures that everyone is on the same page, which is crucial in mitigating risks and avoiding misunderstandings.


In a rapidly changing environment, having up-to-date documentation that can be quickly revised and distributed is essential for adapting to new challenges and mitigating emerging risks.

By focusing on effective knowledge capture, you can enhance your team’s ability to respond to risks efficiently and maintain project momentum even in the face of uncertainty.

Case Studies of Successful Risk Management in IT Projects

Case Study 1: Major Financial Institution

A major financial institution in the United States faced significant risks during a core banking system upgrade. By implementing a robust risk management framework and utilising RiskWatch software, they were able to identify potential technical and operational risks early. 

Continuous monitoring and adaptive strategies resulted in a successful project completion within budget and time constraints. This approach reduced the project risk by 30%, as reported in a post-project review.

Case Study 2: Global Retailer

A global retailer embarked on an ambitious e-commerce platform overhaul. They leveraged Jira for project management and Microsoft Teams for collaboration. Regular risk assessments and stakeholder engagement were critical to navigating organisational changes and technical challenges. 

The project was delivered successfully, enhancing the retailer’s online presence and customer experience. According to a case study published by Atlassian, this approach improved project delivery time by 25%.

Trends & Statistics

The complexity of IT projects continues to grow, driven by advancements in technology and increasing stakeholder expectations. Here are some relevant trends and statistics:

  • Increasing Complexity: According to a study by McKinsey & Company, large IT projects typically run 45% overbudget and 7% over time, while delivering 56% less value than predicted.
  • Success Rates: The Project Management Institute (PMI) reports that projects with robust risk management practices are 30% more likely to succeed.
  • Cost of Failure: The Standish Group's CHAOS Report indicates that the average cost of a failed IT project can be as high as $6.2 million.
  • Stakeholder Involvement: PMI also highlights that projects with high stakeholder engagement are 21% more likely to be completed on time and within budget.

Risk Assessment Templates

To assist you in your risk management efforts, we’ve provided a basic risk assessment template:

RiskLikelihoodImpactMitigation StrategyOwnerStatus
Technical failureHighSevereImplement redundant systems and thorough testingIT Team LeadMonitoring
Scope creep MediumHighDefine clear project scope and get stakeholder buy-inProject ManagerPlanning
Regulatory changesLowModerateRegularly review regulatory updates and adapt plansCompliance OfficerWatch

Enhancing IT Project Success with Runthru

Reducing IT project risk through more efficient, standards-based capture of knowledge and training information is a high priority of IT Project Managers. Runthru, a leader in Accelerated Knowledge Capture, helps automate this function and reduce overall project risk and cost. Check out out our Runthru explainer video here.

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