About Us

Something is holding business back…

It’s making change harder and innovation slower.

The modern enterprise is governed by the creation and management of standardised operating procedures. Whether seeking government contracts, working within key industries or wanting to take your business to the next level, compliance with standards can make or break today’s businesses.

However a significant barrier to achieving compliance and standardisation is the capture and publishing of standardised procedural documents.

One of the biggest barriers is the cognitive bottleneck of formatting and structuring of knowledge. This manifests itself in business problems such as high service desk call rates or inconsistent execution of business process.

Too much time is spent laying out the documented processes rather than the fast, efficient capture of domain knowledge. This leads to complacency, inefficiency, undocumented processes and ultimately exposure due to lack of compliance.

We saw the need for an application that assists in the automatic formatting of information, at scale, into a logical layout that enables authors to quickly get information “out of their head” and published against internal company standards. This ensures information is captured, transferred and achieves compliance with standards, and even enables innovation to drive competitive advantage.

We saw a way to accelerate the transfer of knowledge

The words 'Who is' prefixing the full Runthru Software Logo
Two arrows pointing right


We imagine a world where ideas are easily harnessed to solve humanity's most pressing problems.

Two arrows pointing right


To empower people to share ideas and develop the skills needed for the future.


Runthru Software is an Australian software company founded in 2012.

We provide software solutions that enable large organizations to capture, structure, and share their knowledge at scale. Our software delivers consistency and efficiency in the creation and consumption of procedural documentation.

We serve corporate, government, and higher education customers across Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, USA, and Europe. Our registered company name is Linrock Software Pty Ltd.

We were previously known as Sidekick Software but changed our trading name to Runthru Software in July 2021 to better match our products and market. Our registered company name remains Linrock Software Pty Ltd.